

Lewis Benson Interview

Sandy Freiday interviewed Lewis and Sara Benson in Moorestown, New Jersey in 1981 and made this recording. Lewis reminisced about early Manasquan Meeting, events, members and history.

The following links are .mp3 files and you can download Qucktime free at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/ to listen.

  Track 1- Introduction, Sandy Freiday Sandy Freiday
Sandy Freiday
Track 2- Visiting ministers and friends
Track 3- Issac Wilson
Track 4- Half Yearly Meeting
Track 5- Schrewsbury Meeting
Track 6- Phoebe Wright
Track 7- Sarah on Phoebe Wright
Track 8- Frances and Harriet Reynolds
Track 9- Schrewsbury Manasquan Executive meeting
Track 10- Charles Trafford
Track 11- George Lefetra
Track 12- Addition of meeting house; Plainfield, half yearly meeting

Lewis and Sara Benson

Lewis and Sara Benson
