Norman Heller Quaker Plays

How Fluffy, the Adorable Puppy,
Saved the Fairy Tale.



Narrator:  What if Cinderella were a Quaker?  Sounds like the perfect way to ruin a
classic story, doesn’t it?  Unless, perhaps, we add a character, a
mischievous—but captivating—character whose antics somehow make
everything  come out right.  This explains why our production is called “How
Fluffy, the Adorable Puppy, Saved the Fairytale.”

Penelope enters the living room.  Cinderella is sitting, reading, Fluffy lies at her feet and Claudette is swiping her smart phone.

Penelope:  “Claudette, did I hear you talking on your phone?”

Claudette:  “Oh, there you are, Penelope.  Yes, I just got off the phone with a beauty
parlor that has two appointments available on the day of the prince’s ball.”

Penelope:  Really?  I had nearly given up hope.  Where is this beauty parlor?

Claudette:  “Middletown.  I know:  it’s not really close by, but every girl in the kingdom
is getting her hair done that day.”

Penelope:  “Okay.  What time?”

Claudette:  “Five-thirty and six fifteen.”

Penelope:  “But, that’s too late.  We won’t have time to get ready.”

Claudette:  “AM.”

Penelope:  “What?  Five-thirty in the morning?  You know I’m not a morning person!”

Claudette:  “So what do you suggest?  Shall we ask Mom to do our hair?”

Penelope:  “Oh, all right.  Cinderella, you’ll have to get up extra early to build a nice fire
in the fireplace and make us hot chocolate.”

Cinderella:  “Yes, Sister.”

There’s a knock at the door.

Fluffy:  “Ruff!  Ruff!”

Claudette:  “That could be the prince’s royal messenger with our invitation to the ball!”

Penelope:  “Cinderella, hold Fluffy.  You know she will scoot outside any chance she

Cinderella leans forward and takes hold of Fluffy’s collar.

Claudette:  “And, don’t let that dog sniff the royal messenger.”

Claudette hurries to the door and returns followed by Fairy Godmother.

Claudette:  Cinderella, your fairy godmother’s here.  Come on, Penelope, I bought
sparkly eye shadow.  Let’s go try it.

Claudette and Penelope exit. As soon as they begin to leave, Cinderella releases Fluffy who immediately approaches Fairy Godmother, sniffing.  Fairy Godmother pats her head.

Cinderella:  “How good to see you, Fairy Godmother. How are you?”

Fairy Godmother:  “Exhausted!  I think I have been to every thrift shop in the kingdom. 
But, it paid off.  I found this hot little number.  What do you think?”

Fairy Godmother produces a fancy dress from a shopping bag and Fluffy sniffs it.

Cinderella:  “It’s…It’s really very lovely, and you are so kind.”

Fairy Godmother:  “But?”

Cinderella:  “Well…it’s not really me.”

Fairy Godmother:  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Cinderella, you’re a good looking kid.  Of
course it’s you!”

Cinderella:  “It’s very glamorous, but not at all…simple.”

Fairy Godmother:  “I should have guessed.  It’s the simplicity issue.  Look, Sweetie, your
dear mother, God rest her soul,  was a wonderful person.  But, she had
some strange ideas when it came to lifestyle.” 

Cinderella:  “Are you referring to her Quaker values?”

Fairy Godmother:  “Okay, since you brought it up, yes.  Quakerism is…well…a little
weird.  Not that your mother was weird.  Your mother was very
special, but Quakers in general are a tad too different.”

Cinderella:  “I’m trying to be a good Quaker like my mother.”

Fairy Godmother:  “Okay!  Okay!  But, look at it this way:  this prince of ours has some
strange ideas of his own.  Most princes would not marry a commoner,
but Prince Evan thinks he’s living in a fairytale.  You’re pretty and
intelligent, and the ball is your big chance to escape this crazy step-
world.  The prince has got to meet you, but you can’t show up at the
ball wearing jeans and a t-shirt.”

Cinderella:  “And, I can’t live a lie.  I have to face the fact that Claudette, Penelope and
their mother come from wealth.  When they get all dressed up for the ball,
they’ll be themselves.  For me to dress like them would be deceitful.  It’s
not who I really am.  It’s not even who I want to be.”

Fairy God Mother:  “You’re not even going to the ball, are you.”

Cinderella:  “I don’t see how, but I really appreciate your generosity.”

Fairy God Mother:  “Well, I feel as bad for the prince as I do for you.  He will probably
end up with someone like your charming sisters instead of a girl
with integrity and kindness.”

Cinderella:  “Integrity and kindness.  Those are Quaker values.”

Fairy God Mother:  (mockingly)   “Those are Quaker values.  I hope you’re happy with
your decision on the day of the ball.”

Cinderella:  “I think I will be.” 

Fairy God Mother:  “At least you will have the house to yourselfNow don’t you try          
to squeeze out the door, Fluffy!  You need to take care of our girl.”

Fluffy: “Ruff!”

Fairy Godmother exits.

Act Two

Outside the ballroom, Sam, the prince’s chauffeur, sits on a bench, his back to the wall, and he is sleeping.  The prince emerges from the building and approaches.

Prince Evan:  “How’s it going, Sam?”

Sam springs to his feet.

Sam:  “Your Highness!  I’ll bring the car around!”

Prince Evan:  “Relax, Sam.  I’m afraid we’re not leaving.  I had to take a break.  Do you
have any idea how many eligible young women there are in this kingdom?
The ballroom feels like it’s 100 degrees, and my feet are killing me!”

Cinderella’s voice comes from offstage, followed by barking.

Cinderella:  “Fluffy, come back here!”

Fluffy:  “Ruff!  Ruff!”

Fluffy enters, running and barking.  The prince steps forward and catches her.
Throughout the conversation with Cinderella, the prince holds onto Fluffy’s collar.

Prince:  “Whoa, little pup!”

Cinderella enters, breathless.  Fairy Godmother follows and takes a position to the far
right of the stage where  she  remains, unnoticed.   

Cinderella:  “Oh, thank you so much!  That’s my sister’s dog.  I have to watch the dog
during the ball.  My sister would kill me if she knew Fluffy had gotten out.
Oh, my goodness!  You must be Prince Evan!  Forgive me if don’t curtsy. 
I’m a Quaker.”

Prince Evan:  “No problem, Miss.  May I ask your name?”

Cinderella:  “Cinderella.”

Prince Evan:  “Like the smelly candle?”

Cinderella:  “No. that’s citronella.  I’m Cinderella.”

Prince Evan:  “Oh, I get it.  What’s a Quaker?”

Cinderella:  “Quakers are a religious group who emphasize a personal relationship with
God.  We also believe in equality and reserve special recognition for God
only.  That’s why no bows or curtsies.  We actually believe that everyone
has a divine spark within.”

Prince Evan:  “Interesting.  So, why aren’t you at the ball?”

Cinderella:  “I don’t dress up like that.  Lavish occasions like the ball are not my thing.”

Prince Evan:  “Mine either, as it turns out.  I thought all girls liked to spend money on

Cinderella:  “There are exceptions to all generalizations.  Unfortunately, I seem to be
the exception to everything.”

Prince Evan:  “That makes you exceptional!”

Cinderella:  “Thanks.”

Prince Evan:  “So, you don’t have to get dressed up to go to church?”

Cinderella:  “No, I usually wear…this.”

Prince Evan:  “Amazing.  And, it’s also amazing to meet someone who’s not into
material things.  Would you like to go for a soda or something?  Not now,
of course.  But maybe one day next week.”

Cinderella:  “I’d like that.”

Prince Evan:  “And, don’t worry.  I don’t always dress like this.  I own jeans, too.” 

Cinderella laughs and then spots her sisters approaching from the far side of the stage. .

Cinderella: “Oh no!  Sorry, I have to run!” 

Cinderella slips a leash over Fuffly’s head and runs with the dog offstage.  The prince is left holding Fluffy’s collar.

Prince Evan:  “Wait!  I don’t know where you live!”

 Prince Evan stands looking after Cinderella and does not see the step-sisters approaching.

Penelope:  “I’m going to faint!  It’s so hot inside!”

Claudette:  “Can’t you fan yourself faster?  We’re missing the ball.  Here, give me that

Claudette grabs the fan and starts fanning Penelope vigorously.  Penelope sinks down on a bench.  Claudette catches sight of the Prince.

Claudette:  “Penelope, look!”

Penelope turns and spots the prince.  She stands, faces her sister and mouths the words:

Penelope:  “It’s the prince!”

Claudette mouths in reply:

Claudette:  “I know!”

The two girls glide toward the prince who now notices them and turns to acknowledge them.  The girls curtsy as Claudette speaks.

Claudette:  “Your Highness, it’s warm inside isn’t it?”

Prince:  “Yes, indeed!”

Penelope:  “I started to faint!” 

Penelope spots the collar in the prince’s hand

Penelope:  “That’s my Fluffy’s collar!”

Prince  Evan:  “Fluffy’s your dog?”

Penelope:  “Yes!”

Prince Evan:  “You’re Cinderella’s sister?”

Claudette:  “How do you know that?”

Prince Evan:  “Cinderella was…um…taking Fluffy for a stroll, and the dog slipped her

The prince turns to Penelope.

Prince:  “I will return the collar to you, of course, but I wonder if I might exchange it for
your address.”

Penelope turns to Claudette and says in a loud whisper:

Penelope:  “He wants my address!”

Claudette responds in a loud whisper:

Claudette:  “Well, don’t faint before you tell him!”

Penelope turns back to the Prince and speaks slowly with emphasis.

Penelope:  “I live in the stylish home at the corner of Park Avenue and Vanderswoggle

Prince Evan:  “Thank you. Here you go.’


The prince hands the collar to Penelope and bows slightly.

Prince:  “Now, please excuse me.” 

The prince exits, reentering the ballroom..

Penelope:  “I just knew I looked awesome in this dress!”

Penelope and Claudette scurry  after the prince.

Act Three

Cinderella and Fluffy are returning home from meeting Prince Evan.  They have stopped
to rest on a bench.  Fairy Godmother is still in her position from Act Two.

Cinderella:  “Fluffy, how could I have lost your collar?  I’m cooked!”

Fluffy makes a whimpering sound.

Fluffy:  “Hmmmm.” 

Fairy Godmother steps forward and remarks with sarcasm:

Fairy Godmother:  “Don’t ask your old Fairy Godmother for help.”

Cinderella:  “Oh, Fairy Godmother!  I don’t think all the thrift-store magic in the world
could solve this problem.  Wait! Have you been spying on me?”

Fairy Godmother:  “Fairy godmothers do not spy.  We watch over.  I was watching over

Cinderella:  “Whatever.  Did you notice what happened to Fluffy’s collar?”

Fairy Godmother:  “As a matter of fact, I did.  The prince was left holding the collar
when you ran off.  He gave it to Penelope.”

Cinderella:  “To Penelope?”

Fairy Godmother:  “Yes, in exchange for your address.”

Cinderella tries not to look too excited.

Cinderella: “Oh!  Really?  Well, thank goodness the collar is not lost.  I’m sorry I
accused you of spying.”

Fairy Godmother:  “Not so much spying, my dear, as waiting for an opportunity to

Cinderella:  “Apologize?  For what?”

Fairy Godmother:  “For not respecting your values.  I loved your mother like a sister. 
You know, she would be very proud of you.”

Cinderella:  “Thank you.’

Fairy Godmother:   “And, if I had to say—if I were forced, that is—I would have to admit
that I am proud of you too.”

Cinderella:  “That makes me very happy, Fairy Godmother.”

Fairy Godmother:  “Come along.  I’ll see the two of you home.”

Cinderella and Fluffy stand up.  Fluffy sniffs the bench.

Fairy Godmother:   “I can’t believe you told the prince you’re a Quaker.”

Cinderella:  “He didn’t seem to be put off by Quakers.”

Fairy Godmother:  “He doesn’t know anything about them.”

Cinderella:  “Well, perhaps I’ll have to change that!” 

They all exit stage right.


Narrator:  In the traditional fairytale, Cinderella is transformed from a scullery maid
into a beautiful princess.  In our story, Cinderella reveals her beauty by
remaining true to herself and, in the process, she changes other people.  We
have been learning about the Quaker values of simplicity and integrity in first
day school, so this play has been a fun way to create discussion.
Of course, the traditional Cinderella is far more enchanting.  Unfortunately,
we can’t all grow up to be princes and princesses.  And, magic pumpkins are
especially rare.  However, everyone can try to practice simplicity and integrity
in everyday life. 


  Norman Heller Quaker Plays